Langney Keeps Learning
We provide a wide range of online programmes to assist in your child's continued learning. Please click on the provided links in this page to explore what each offers.
Our pupils also have their own Google account which provides access to our online Google Classroom. Google Classroom is a web-based platform that includes Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar. Your child's Google account is provided and maintained by Swale Academies Trust and are monitored for security and safety purposes. Google Classroom facilitates all home learning. Please click here for our full Langney Keeps Learning (LKL) Protocol.
All pupils have been provided with login details for all online accounts by their teacher. The video below will assist you in logging into and navigating Google Classroom

Using Google Classroom
If you have any concerns regarding the quality or quantity of remote education your child is receiving whilst the school is closed as a result of a national lockdown or during self-isolation, please speak with your child's class teacher in the first instance. Your class teacher makes telephone contact with all pupils / families on a weekly basis. Alternatively, telephone the school office for your child's teacher's contact details.
Should you have any technical issues with wifi, your loaned device or would like further guidance with how to use Google Classroom please contact us at lpa-office@swale.at and someone will soon be in touch.
Welcome to our distance learning page. From here you will find information about what to do when your child is unable to attend school .