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Safety First at Langney Primary School!


Langney Primary School recently received a visit from PC Anderson who joined in with an e-safety lesson all about copyright infringement. Not only did PC Anderson give his professional advice on the subject, he also answered a range of other e-safety related questions posed by the pupils. PC Anderson commented, “It was great to join in with an e-safety lesson. It was extremely useful and encouraging to see all the children fully engaged and excited about the subject matter, I was equally impressed with the computer facility itself and how well the students are utilising technology in their lesson. I would welcome the opportunity to come back soon!”

Mark Dawson, Langney Primary School's Lead Computing Teacher said, “All our pupils, from Reception to Year 6 get the very latest e-safety advice (which is appropriately tailored for each year group) delivered through our e-safety curriculum. We do this through a range of inclusive ways such as dedicated e-safety lessons, assemblies, digital surveys, drama workshops and after school training for parents.”

One of the children who took part in the lesson said, “I think the school has done a great job of making us safer online. I feel safer than ever when using a digital device and I know exactly what to do if I have an e-safety problem. The school’s website has got a special button I can click on and I can also use a special e-safety post box in our Computing Suite. My mum’s even done some e-safety training at my school too!”

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