Year 6 Fabulous 'Art' Finish
The Date: 16th March 2017
The Place: Colosseum and Rapa Nui
The Mission: Create a book cover in the style of Wonder using block printing
Welcome to Mr Beale's worst nightmare: paint, mess and rubbish!
After a sleepless night, full of nightmares and worry, Miss Crane and Mr Beale finally arrived at the 'Day of Printing'. The classroom was all prepared and laid out in eager anticipation of the events to come!
Year 6 have been studying the work of Olly Moss - an awesome movie poster designer - who uses very few colours and block printing to create his masterpieces for movies such as Star Wars Episode IV and Harry Potter. We used his work to inspire us to create our own front covers for our core text: Wonder by RJ Palacio. The children designed their cover, made a mock-up using black and white paper and finally, with the much, much, much, much appreciated help of all of the amazing Year 6 parents, printed their design on to card. The results were amazing and even Mr Beale admitted "the end result more than made up for the mess and paint everywhere!"
So there you go: Mr Beale's new precept: "Sometimes the mess is worth the end result...but a clean classroom is a happy classroom!"