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Year 6 Trip To Chessington

Last Thursday Year 6 spent a fun-filled, exhilarating day at Chessington World of Adventures, in what has become an annual tradition to reward our children for their hard work and effort during their SATs.

It was definitely a day of two halves weather-wise, with the beautiful sunshine upon our arrival (which led to Mr Beale leaving his rain coat on the coach), turning to rain as we entered the afternoon. Our children however, were not deterred at any point and grasped every thrill-seeking opportunity they encountered with both hands!

The vampire was a definite favourite for all groups and was the first stop for many of us. With little or no queue, screams of delight could be heard high above as the vampire took our children racing through the tree tops.

In Pirate Cove, the Black Buccaneer sent the children’s – and adults - stomachs all over the place! The pirate ship seemed to defy gravity at times and watching their faces from the side lines bought much amusement to Mrs Rodemark and Miss Crane.

From here we went to the area of the park known as ‘Wild Asia,' where our children conquered the Kobra, demonstrated some ‘interesting’ driving manoeuvres on the bumper cars and got wetter than they bargained for on the monkey swings!

For lunch, most of the groups met up to share tales of bravery and laughter and it was awesome to see the two classes playing and enjoying their time together. During lunch, the clouds began to gather and it wasn’t long before the rain began to fall. At this point, many groups took the opportunity to take shelter under the leafy canopy of ‘The Trail of the Kings’, where we came face to face with tigers, lions and even an ocelot. We saw gorillas, sea lions and a carefully camouflaged lynx. The only disappointment through all of this was Miss Crane’s photography skills – although she claims it was the animals’ fault for moving too quickly!

The latter part of the day was spent getting soaked on Dragon Falls; being far too competitive in Tomb Blaster – and this was just the adults - and being fired through the trees, spinning and dropping on Dragon Fury!

Our children were an absolute asset to us all throughout the day. Their behaviour was impeccable and the patience and encouragement they showed towards each other was a joy to see and really made the day for all the adults.

As I mention adults, on behalf of Year 6, I would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to all of the school adults and parents who came along with us and helped us throughout the day. We couldn’t have done it without you!

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