Superhero Day in Reception!

To celebrate the end of our core text ‘Supertato’, we decided to have a superhero day. The playground was buzzing with superheroes this morning, it was so magical the superheroes even brought some snow with them. The children had a fabulous day learning how to become real life superheroes. At the end of the day, the children invited their families in to watch them perform in their own superhero cat walk. The children danced, spun and flew down the catwalk with confidence. The children then made masks for a chosen family member. Everyone enjoyed working together to create their masks, there was glitter and sequins everywhere! It was then the adults turn to walk down the catwalk. Was anyone going to be brave enough? I am pleased to say we had a lot of brave adults who thoroughly enjoyed strutting their stuff and becoming superheroes. Thank you to everyone for getting involved today. It was a lovely afternoon.