Dinosaur Fun in Year 1!

On Thursday last week, Year 1 went on an exciting dinosaur adventure to Paradise Park in Newhaven. The coach was bubbling with excited children who couldn't wait to start the dinosaur activities. Whilst there, we went on a dinosaur safari and saw lots of large dinosaur statues, learning their names as we ventured round. We learnt lots of new things in the Planet Earth exhibition and we became excellent clue spotters looking for the answers to the quiz throughout. We got the opportunity to ride on the miniature train; having competitions of who could scream the loudest through the tunnel! The children (and a lot of the adults!) had great fun in the indoor soft play and outdoor play areas. We all whizzed down the super fast blue slide! It really was a great day. Thank you to all of the parents who helped on the day, you were amazing and we hope you had fun too