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Solving Problems Together

On Monday, two of our children took part in a Solving Problems Together forum. The forum allowed children from both Eastbourne and Australia to talk about environmental issues they think are important. It marked the 25th anniversary of the very first United Nations Children's Conference on the Environment held in Eastbourne in 1995 and will pave the way for next year's event. 

Ethan and Heidi spoke about their concerns around food waste and excessive littering. They represented themselves and the school so brilliantly. "I liked hearing other children's ideas," Heidi said, while Ethan thought it was exciting that the whole morning was run by children!

We are sure this will lead to further events for us to take part in as Ethan and Heidi, and the others who took part, were successful in showing how committed the young people of Eastbourne are in saving our planet. 

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