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World Book Day Fun!!

From Mary Poppins and Matilda to The Mandolorian, and from Harry Potter to the Hairy Caterpillar, the buzz for reading is amazing!

Children have brought in their favourite book to read, write a book review or talk about why they love it so much.

Every year group has a special author and they will learn about them and perhaps hear from them.

Various classes have read by torchlight, had a snuggle up and read, initiated book talk and had stop, drop and read bells sound!

Mrs Banner has arranged a book scavenger hunt for the children during their library slot this week and has also created WBD quizzes!

The Star Wars books and characters are my favourite due to the fast paced nature or the writing and the diverse characters. It takes me to another world in my mind!!! May the force be with you!


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