Year Four Visit To Earthship Brighton
We really enjoyed our trip to Earthship Brighton which links in with our topic about the environment. Earthships are houses made from recycled materials. We learned that they are not connected to water, gas, sewage or electricity networks. Instead, they have to generate their own electricity, collect and filter rainwater, deal with their own waste and heat themselves.
We had four workshops with the staff at the Earthship. We learned about organic farming, recycling, how Earthships work and how to use resources sustainably.
"It was interesting to learn the history of our planet in ten metres of string. Humans have only been around for two millimetres!" Taylor.

"I enjoyed making necklaces from elder because we had to make sure we made enough beads. I used a tree stump as a table to work on." Alex.
"It was fascinating to see inside the walls which were made from tyres, cans and bottles." Charlie.
"I liked sitting in the Boss' chair in the workshop about organic farming." Mya
...but no one liked the compost toilet!