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Langney History Host for Local Primary Schools

On Monday 22 May we invited children from seven other local primary schools to join us in two full day workshops led by children’s author, Brian Moses, and local artist, Ed Boxall.

Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund’s First World War: Then and Now project, the day was an opportunity for us to share our learning about Nelson Victor Carter VC with other schools. It was a huge success. All the children and adults were very enthusiastic, full of ideas and eager to learn new skills.

The group led by Brian Moses explored some of the poems in his book, “What Are We Fighting For?” and then wrote their own poems about the hardships of war and the distant longings of times and places they had left behind. Simultaneously the Ed Boxall group used transfer printing, collage, wooden lettering and a whole range of newly learnt techniques to create pieces of artwork inspired by Nelson’s life.

The pupils used words like, fun, interesting and amazing to sum up the day and several expressed a wish to visit again! “I have learned who Nelson Victor Carter was,” wrote one pupil, “how he died and what he did in the military.” In the afternoon, both groups were visited by Nelson’s grandchildren, who were eager to learn what the pupils had been doing, and they stayed to watch the special performance by Ed Boxall and Brian Moses before the opening of the exhibition, which was very well attended. “Everyone, including the adults, had a fantastic day!”

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