We dig with Archaeologists!

Today, we took our Geography Leaders and Archaeology scholars to the dig in Etchingham Road. Once there, we were given a tour of the site which was once a large farm. We were told that the area will soon be a community garden and the site therefore needs to be mapped to see where trees can be safely planted. Most of the items found so far have had connections to farming and some date back 800 years!
We were split into two groups - one group carefully cleaned objects that had already been found and the other searched for objects in one of the pre-dug trenches. After fifteen minutes, we swapped tasks. Among the many items we found were pieces of coal, small pieces of tile, some worm poo (which we had all touched while trying to work out what it was!) and two pieces of 700 year old pottery!
It was such a fantastic experience for the children and staff! (We couldn't stop Mrs Harman!!!!)
