Woodland Walk!

What a wonderful day Reception had on their first school trip to the local woods in Hampden Park. We went on a lovely woodland treasure hunt where we had to look out for the 'Harry Potter' and 'Ron Weasley' clues hanging in the trees. The children were fabulous at spotting these. At the end of the treasure hunt we found a special present that had been left for us, it was very exciting. When we opened it we discovered a new story book. We are looking forward to reading this book together at school.
We loved eating our lunch outside but we had to make sure the squirrels didn't come over and try and steal our food. After lunch we found lots of nature items and used these to create our own pictures, one group created a dinosaur using leaves, sticks and pine cones whilst another group made a stickman. They were fabulous. We had fun feeding the ducks and doves and some doves even landed on Miss Giorgi's head, it was very funny. The children loved playing in the play park but the best bit had to be going on the school minibus. We had squeals of excitement as Mr Pickford drove us to the woods. Thank you to all of our volunteers that helped on our trip!!!
